know that GOD causes
ALL things to work together for my good because i love JESUS, His Son, The CHRIST. All the good and all the bad...the pleasant and the harsh things that our Father in Heaven allows in my life -- the trials common to man, the consequences of poor choices, the dark valleys i wandered through due to pride, stubborn willfulness and disobedience -- GOD uses all.
He does not waste a thing! GOD has caused much good from EVERYthing that He has allowed in this life journey. i trust that He will continue to use all that He permits in this process of sanctification so that i may grow in the likeness of JESUS CHRIST, the Love and LORD of my life!
i can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13, NKJV) Without JESUS, by the empowerment of the Holy SPIRIT indwelling on the inside of me, i can do nothing... i am nothing! Only
In CHRIST, do i have value. Only
because of JESUS, does my life have meaning. Only
through CHRIST's power, do i have the courage and strength to face the rogue waves that surface from the oceans of life, which threaten to overwhelm those not In CHRIST.
And we know that GOD causes everything to work together for the good of those who love GOD, and are called according to His purpose for them. (Romans 8:28, NLT)
Symbolisms: The Triune GODhead -- three flowers, three leaves.
Two Hearts Ever Connected -- GOD will never leave nor forsake His child In CHRIST. No power on earth or in hell can ever separate the child of GOD from His infinitely gracious love.
rLn's BIBLE Life-Verses (Romans 8:28), back.
By having trusted CHRIST JESUS as Savior and LORD of my life, i (and every repentant and forgiven sinner) am indwelt by the Holy SPIRIT of GOD. He sows the seeds of CHRISTlikeness and matures all His gifts so that i may bear much fruit. And this fruit of abundant blessings, i received by grace -- unearned, unmerited. i received the Reality of abundant and eternal life, not because i'm good, or because i've done anything good or worthwhile -- but because GOD's holy and divine nature is overflowing with infinite mercy and grace.
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