rLn's OFF-the-WALL Wearable Art is dedicated to the Naselesele Village Primary School kids, and this blog
(ADvertise for GOD: One Message at a Time) displays the art used for
OFF the WALL. i thought it would be fun to share with you who some of these kidZ are!

This is Kani, leaving home for his first day in kindergarten, with sister Miri, cousin Jo and brother Leone leading the way.

The whole school was gathered Monday (May 30) for this special assembly -- to reward a prize to the top student from each class (Class 1 - Class 8). Here's master Sairusi lecturing about the week's lesson: sharing and cooperation. Sharing one's self and one's material goods is showing love with one another; and cooperation is helping one another.
GREAT teaching! This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12)

From Class 1 is
Mizpah Sowani -- top of her class... deserving of her prize!

From Class 2 is
Karen Stolz. i'm so proud of this little gal for i remember her as a toddler clinging to her
tata... and here she is "grown up" and so smart!

From Class 3 is
Seini Caucauqoli... another bright light in Naselesele, shining with a joyful smile.

From Class 4 is
Josese Kalaidreketi --
na tagane matai!
From Class 5 is
Makarita Ranuve -- this little package can also sing an angelic wallop. She sang
Crucified for me, acapella, and she belted the song with much emotion. i was impressed!

From Class 6 is
Anabella (Talei) Taki -- very intelligent young lady... beautiful inside and out!

From Class 7 is
Eric Petersen -- just glowing with his prize in hand. Keep up the good work, Eric!

And last but not least, from Class 8 is
Elia Rakai -- leading the way for Naselesele School. After he graduates from the village school, he'll start secondary school at the bottom rung again in Form 1.
The prize money awarded to these eight kidZ was a type of scholarship to fund their school needs, but also to encourage all of them to do their very best for the next term exam so that they may also win a reward for their hard study and good behavior.
The donation came from a big-hearted brother in CHRIST from Ocean View Church (San Diego, California). GOD used this kind brother to bless the Naselesele Village kidZ. GOD is wonderFUL inDEED!
JESUS said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19:12)
These little human "flowers" were just as beautiful as the many other flowers you take pictures of, sister! Thank you for sharing this! May God continue to bless these children and their school!